If you were investing your hard earned dollars into purchasing advertising space, you would not place a tattered, out of date image that made you look bad into that medium, would you? Not likely. You would want that ad to make the best statement about your business that it possibly could in order to attract new customers, create a positive image for your company and maximize your return on the investment.
Store Design: Image Is Everything
by Grafico
Then why would you not approach the appearance of your store the same way?
Various research by a variety of organizations all seems to result in the same findings … the storefront is the number one generator of new business. In each and every survey studied, more than 50% of new customers asked how they first learned about a store where they cash their checks, acquire small loans, pay their bills or wire money indicated that it was the storefront or signage that first attracted them.
And if that is not an important enough motivator, what about the improvement to your image in the community that results from a focus on positive store appearance?
Customers prefer and choose retailers that provide attractive, safe, bright and welcoming environments. A customer’s first impression is developed by the exterior appearance of your property. It is reinforced by the look of the interior and is cemented by the way your employees present themselves. These are all a reflection of your business, to your customers, your employees and the community at large.
The most convincing case for focusing on the appearance of your store is that most retailers that have invested in aesthetic and marketing improvements to their store appearance have reported that they have experienced increases in their business. Implementing these store appearance best practices encourage better recognition of the store, appeal to new customers that may not have been comfortable doing business under previous conditions, and improve the communication of marketing messages about the various products and services you offer. Simple, low-cost improvements can yield exceptional results.